Whether you are brand new to blogging with WordPress or undergoing a ‘refresh’, you’ll want to absorb some of the new tips and SEO techniques for successful blogging on the site we are setting up for you.
Map out your blog posts!
Writing a good SEO friendly post, requires some forethought. I’m going to give you the steps and some resources to get you started. In fact with the sample photos that SU provides, you can write posts with their images until you get up to speed with your own photo taking. Click here to see how to edit the SU sponsored images for faster loading on the web.
Many people start writing inside the post on their blog, but if you are waiting on your site to be finished, you can create a post in a plain text editor like Notepad or Wordpad (not Word*).
- Create several posts that center around something you’ve created, a product you wish to highlight or even a pre-made project photo offered by SU on their demonstrator area (inside your Demonstrator account >Happening Now >Catalogs). Under each catalog listing (except for SAB) there is a ‘resources’ zip file that includes photos from the catalog that are watermarked by SU already and can be used in your post. The SAB samples are usually in the Occasions Catalog resources folder. This is a great way to get started and I show how to do that in my video below.
- Make a note of the links you want to include that points to your online store and append them with ?dbwsdemoid=XXXXXX (with the X’s being your Demo ID). List them under the article you are writing to make them easier to cut and paste in the real article online.Ex., if you are doing an article around Birthday Memories suite of products, the link to ‘see more’ would go to: https://www.stampinup.com/ECWeb/products/101005/birthday-memories?dbwsdemoid=123456
- Consider some ‘Cornerstone’ content–which is an evergreen topic such as a technique or a template that can be updated (date changed/updated) and keep the URL. Google looks for cornerstone content (and watch the video below on how to identify a post as ‘cornerstone’ content).
Watch this video.
The plugins used here are Yoast SEO & XYZ Html (signature) and I will be publishing videos specifically for those plugins.
Have at least 4 articles written before your site is finished so that you can start off with content that you can post for the first two weeks (2 articles/week).
The secret to building a following is consistency! And providing step by step instructions with materials and evergreen content (ex., techniques and templates) can attract quality backlinks to your site.