Photoshop Elements– the power of Photoshop but with only the tools you need and without the price tag! Need a free option? If you want a free option, click here for the tutorial (Windows Only) or click here for a tutorial (online editing, Mac or Windows). Editing your images before you upload is […]
Resizing and watermarking your photos is an ABSOLUTE MUST. And I’m excited to have found an online solution that provides a free method to properly size and watermark a photo! My tutorial shows how to watermark with one that is already made, however if you do some digging in the program, you can create your […]
Adding attractive images inside your articles can make the subject more inviting and in some cases more interesting–or in other cases is the whole point of the blog article. Everyone can agree that excellent imagery greatly enhances the user experience, but things to consider the proper use of images (i.e., using only images you have […]